"The most important trick to taking the “work” out of housework is ATTITUDE. If you can shift your paradigm about why we keep house, by altering your attitude, you have unlocked the key to happy homemaking. Now go back and read that last sentence again. If you can really do this, it will be very powerful."I have that post bookmarked and keep referring back to the other two tricks! One thing I really loved about it was that one of the 3 Tricks is naming your home. I know, I know it sounds a little weird but the idea is that you need to take pride and ownership of your home. For me this is really hard. We have found a few problems with the home we live in and it doesn't exactly fit our family any more.We would love to move and find a better and bigger place or even just build our own home, but that's not something we can do right now. So when I read that, I immediately latched onto that idea, anything to help me out! I immediately asked the girls to help me come up with a few names so we could pick out our favorite one. What we came up with was Cozy Cottage. It works great for our cute little home! So I went right to work at finding a way to create a sign for our new name. I went to the Dollar store bought two frames and then visited a hardware store for some little tiny i-bolts. The rest I had at home!
First step was to paint my frames. They were a red color that was alright but not my favorite. So I spray painted them black. I figured I would give them two coats of paint but when the first coat dried and had a bit of red showing through I ended up really liking that so I didn't do the 2nd coat of paint.
I then got busy on my computer and just using Microsoft Word I created the name and added our address! Very simple! I then just screwed in the i-bolts to the bottom of the big frame and top of the little frame and tied them together with some ribbon. I immediately hung it up by our front
door! I think it looks great! And you know every time I see that name I do feel a bit more pride in my home. :)