Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A Christmas Craft

This is something I made it a few years ago but never shared so given the season I thought I would share it with you now :)

I got the idea out of a magazine, can't even give proper credit since it's been so long. But just a fun little Christmas thing you can do with your family. I bought a little papier-mâché star, measured it and cut out some paper so it was slightly smaller then I hodge-podged it to the star.

Here's a magical Christmas Star
With a traditional old and true
May it bring you warmth and love
from our home to you.

Now everybody 'til Christmas
Find someone in your home
And secretly do a deed of love
So your identity won't be known.

And when the secret act is done
Place the star upon their bed.
The in turn do a secret deed
For another, it is said.

And like the star so long ago
Lit the sky for all to see
May this star bring light & joy
To your sweet family
-Author Unknown-

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